What is microchannel coil and how it works

What is microchannel coil and how it works TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Micro-Channel all-aluminum coils are designed to use less refrigerant and facilitate better heat transfer. Because of the aluminum, the units are lighter, and not susceptible to formicary corrosion. Unfortunately, because it is a newer design to residential HVAC products, there is a wealth of misleading […]
What is dehumidifier leaking refrigerant issue

Is Your Dehumidifier Leaking Refrigerant? How to Detect and Fix It What Is Dehumidifier Leaking Refrigerant Issue? How to Detect and Fix It? Compressor or refrigerant dehumidifiers use a basic refrigeration system to capture moisture from the air and store it in a water tank/drain it from a hose in order to dehumidify the local […]
How aluminium is helping MAHLE Behr cool engines

How aluminium is helping MAHLE Behr cool engines The fundamentals of cooling an engine or warming a passenger compartment have not changed much in the past 50 years, but the technological advances have been stunning. “It is very exciting for engineers,” says Martin Bauer. Bauer is head of development for engine-mounted components at MAHLE Behr […]
Investigating the Mechanism behind ‘Ant Nest’ Corrosion on Copper Tube

ALECOIL BLOG Investigating the Mechanism behind ‘Ant Nest’ Corrosion on Copper Tube Abstract A research investigation of “ant nest” corrosion (ANC) on copper tube was conducted in terms of the variables of the corrosion potential and pH value in 103 ppm copper formate solution over 20 days. The paper presents the surface and cross-sectional observations and […]
Ant Nest Corrosion of Air Conditioning Copper Pipes

MODINE NEWS Ant Nest Corrosion of Air Conditioning Copper Pipes Since the late 1970s, ant nest corrosion has been common in copper pipes for air conditioners. Through case studies and experiments, the corrosive medium is considered to be the carboxylic acid and the chemicals that decompose into the acid. Ant nest corrosion of copper pipes […]